Lovely. Thank you! I’m so glad you’re encouraging people to choose the path that feels good in marketing. I feel similarly about IG and Facebook and oddly, Christmas cards (as nice as the thought is it’s mostly perfect family pictures that don’t tell the full story - so like IG). I love YouTube and learning video editing. It’s harder than writing for me but I love it. It’s very creative. Anyway, thank you for the questions and the writing.

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Happy new year, Astrid! Ive been enjoying your newsletters and as you know, we’re on the same page when it comes to calm, sustainable marketing. I’ve been on Insta for 10+ years and still enjoy it. Probably because I don’t use it much for business marketing, I do share to occasional biz post but mostly it’s my creative outlet for my photography and visual storytelling, it’s where people can get to know me behind the scenes. Surprisingly I love YouTube, it lends itself well to what I do and I plan to do a lot more videos in 2023. Have a great start to the new year 😍❤️

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Super interesting! I’ve enjoyed an insta break for a couple of weeks and I’m on the fence about what to do about it this year. Are your beautiful headings graphics/ JPEG’s you insert? It looks really good!

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Ah it’s really lovely! In all honesty I think I’m more creative without insta! I used to feel like it fuelled me but not so much now...

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