Welcome to the Female Owned Community

There’s a slower, gentler and more profitable way of doing business. Female Owned is the place to discover how.

» Free subscribers get twice a month posts on business done differently right in their inbox.

» Paid subscribers also get access to the Female Owned community, a gentle, small and supportive space right here on Substack to support you as you craft the business you desire.

As a member of the Female Owned community you

  • receive the twice a month free newsletters;

  • can dive deeper into creating a slow, gentle and profitable business through monthly workshops exclusive to paid subscribers;

  • get a peek behind-the-scenes in my business, from finances to launching, through a quarterly newsletter exclusive to paid subscribers;

  • find support and community in our monthly Female Owned Accountability Club;

  • get to ask me questions for our quarterly mini-mastermind;

  • become part of a gentle community of small business owners, freelancers and creatives who are doing business differently—without the hustle and without the productivity hacks.

A paid subscription to Female Owned is the cheapest way of working with me and gives you my support without the financial commitment of joining one of my courses, programmes or working 1:1.

You know there’s a different way of doing business. You just don’t know how.

Female Owned is that rare business newsletter and community that will not try to sell you hacks, ten-step-programmes or get rich quick schemes.

At Female Owned, your business needs to work for you first and foremost, not the other way around.

At Female Owned, your human needs and desires come first.

At Female Owned, we know that it’s possible to make good money while still running a slow and gentle business.

Never feel alone doing business again and join our community. I’d love to have you on board.

Why paid subscribers love being part of the Female Owned community

» Because of the strategies and tips I offer about running a business, like this one on How and why I pitch to podcasts and this one about How I tackle big projects in my business.

» For the support, accountability and connection they feel through our monthly Accountability Club.

» For getting access to me in our once a quarter mini-mastermind.

» Because it makes them feel seen in wanting to run a business differently, for the transparency I offer through behind-the-scenes posts like this one on What living with mental illness means for my business and these posts on my financial and business goals.

All the benefits of a paid subscription in one place:

Joining the Female Owned community is like having a regular cup of tea (and cake!) with your favourite business buddies—for less than the price of a cup of tea + slice of cake a month. I’d love to have you on board.