I resonate so deeply with the previews. I started off by doing it but there was this little niggle in me that did not feel good about it. So I'm in the process of recalibrating how the paid offerings look. I started to just send them to the paid supporters. And the biggest shift has been about checking in whether the essay even needs to be paid. And if so, how much of it needs to go behind a paywall. I love the idea of communicating that in the subheading...something I picked up through Helen Redfern's work. She was referencing someone else who I can't recall now. Overall, integrity has been on my mind and heart lately and I want to move forward always in integrity. So radical honesty with myself. ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you Silvia for your thoughtful reply and sharing your own process with the previews. I love how you write that you're moving forward from a place of radical honesty and recalibrating what your offerings look based on that. It takes courage and clarity to do this 💪🏻 x

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Very thought provoking. Thank you!

Deep in the heart of this right now. ❤️

First step for me was settling on an energetically aligned schedule for myself. Sounds so simple but this actually took an AGE to land on!! Mostly because I’m recovering from an extended period of being unwell / trauma etc etc and I couldn’t accept that I could not do all the things anymore 🙄.

I have decided to stick vigilantly to this way of being.

Only up to week 2 and it’s already a game changer 🥰. It saves so much time because I know exactly when to say yes to something. I can plan ahead in line with my realistic capacity for delivery and I know straight away if there just isn’t space for something to occur now PLUS it gives me the courage to say NO if I just don’t want to do something 😜 The timetable is in charge ☺️

It makes me feel spacious, abundant and alive 💕

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Thank you Angela for your thoughtful reply! I love reading that you're working with a schedule that truly works for you and your energy--you say that it sounds simple, but I know from my own experience and that of other people that it is anything but simple to figure out what really works for us, our bodies and our lives since we're so conditioned to *not* listen to ourselves first. Excited for you to continue to live this way 🎉 x

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Thank you Astrid 💕

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Oh yes to energetically aligned schedule. That has been a big one for me too. I've learned that just because I can force myself to follow through or show up, does not mean I have to. Checking in with my body has been a game changer here.

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Oh so much in that! A steep learning curve for me also

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I love how you share your upcoming subscription-only posts Astrid, and the fact that you don't send the snippet-only emails. There are a few Substack accounts I have ended up unsubscribing from entirely because the majority of the emails I was receiving were paywalled ones. I find it really frustrating when the content title makes it seems as though I've received a full newsletter but I'm immediately greeted with a paywall - I kind of feel as though I've been tricked into opening the email and it feels spammy. I really like the way you do it though - I'm being well kept in the loop about what's available if I pay, but it never feels pushy and always feels as though it is adding value to my inbox. Thank you so much for modelling a different way 😊

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Thank you for your comment and your encouragement Rhiannon ❤️ x

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Very much looking forward to our conversation tomorrow, Astrid.

It's the decisions bit for me! And also tapping into my own intuition. I think it's getting a bit drowned out with noise at the moment. Thank you for your thoughtful and honest writing and invitations as ever

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You're welcome Janelle and I'm also looking forward to our chat tomorrow!

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