Really interesting read Astrid, I run my Home Styling business alongside the day job and although I work 5 days a week, I work at home on Tuesdays and Thursdays which allows me to focus on my business during those days, scheduling client appointments, working of projects, arranging social media content, blogs etc.

I’m very fortunate to have an employer that’s flexible and as long as the day job is my focus, during quieter times it’s all good to spend time on my own business.

At the start of this year I wanted to get a better balance and not find myself working into the evenings and weekends and in the whole this is working, there’s only the odd evening so far where I’ve had to put time aside to work.

The plan (ideally) will be to reduce my days from 5 down to 4, although for the time being I feel I’ve got a “system” that works for me 😊

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This was a really interesting read. I have a full time day job alongside my business which I started a couple of years ago. I have really struggled with not having enough time of my creative business to the point where I really resented my day job. My growth is slow yes, but since the beginning of the year I’m learning to accept that I can’t be everywhere at once and to be kinder to myself.

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So much needed. I give businesses advice all week in my tech job and when it comes to myself and my work “on top / on the side” I sometimes forget what I tell other. Thank you Astrid!

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