This is why I love working with you Astrid! This idea of enough being arbitrary is so spot on and so comforting. It is causing me to think about how I want to define enough and it actually feels like a fun exercise! Will report back!

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I love this question, how do we define what is enough for us. It feels like an empowering question for anyone attempting to answer it for themselves. Because for so many (including me) it is not a question that had ever occurred to me. So the very act of trying to answer it is an important step forward.

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Mar 9Liked by Astrid Bracke

Yes this is not just personal, it's a subject for our economy experts as well. Since our economy is based on growth, we need alternative goals as a country too, without the growth element, to be able to state success of sustainable interventions or any changes in economic activity.

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Mar 8Liked by Astrid Bracke

Thank you, Astrid, as always for sharing your thoughtful observations! Enough is such a big theme in our lives, not only in business. I totally agree with what Kelsey said. Our society is wired to think that a bigger number equals a better thing, but my experience is that small groups allow for more real connection and meaningful discussions, whilst in large groups you sort of expect your comments being buried under thousands of others and the connections are very limited.

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Mar 7Liked by Astrid Bracke

Love this. Such a counter cultural approach. It's so easy to get drawn away from our values to persuing ever more. I will keep this top of mind as I start my new business, thank you!

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