Welcome to February: Female Owned Accountability Club 🪻
How did you get on in January and what are your gentle goals for February?
Happy February and welcome to the Female Owned Accountability Club!
The Accountability Club is a monthly feature for paid subscribers, where we celebrate and cheer each other on. Towards the beginning of every month, I post a thread like this, inviting you to reflect on the previous month and celebrate, and share what you want and need to do in the month ahead. As ever, I’ll be checking in with the comments, but I’d love it if you cheer each other on as well.
Let’s dive in!
How did you get on with your plans and goals in January, and which gentle goals are you setting for February? Remember: whatever you did is enough ❤️
What are you celebrating today or this week? What has been going particularly well, what did you resolve, what do you feel proud of?
What do you want to work on in your business this coming month?
What do you need this coming month? How are you going to rest and make space for your humanness?
I’ll share my own reflection and plans in the comments as well, and am so looking forward to reading yours!
The Accountability Club is only available to paid subscribers. If you are a paid subscriber, please scroll down to leave your comment and read others’.
If you’re a free subscriber and want to receive gentle accountability like this, participate in our bi-monthly mini-mastermind and receive behind-the-scenes posts and other resources, upgrade your subscription below. You’ll also be supporting me to write, share and inspire you and others about business done differently. 💌