Mini-mastermind: answering your questions on Substack, marketing, working on your business and more
My answers to 4 reader questions (and an invitation to submit your own)
Welcome to September’s mini-mastermind! 🎉 Every other month I’ll be answering paid subscribers’ questions about all things business—from making money and setting prices, to marketing, how you spend your time and more.
This month I’ll be answering these four questions, and inviting paid subscribers to chime in too:
How do I create a Substack community that is both intimate but not too much work?
How do I balance creating art with working on my business?
What advice would you give someone who is only just starting out with their (coaching) business?
How do I share about my upcoming new product without sounding too self-promotional?
The full text of the questions—and my answers—are below the fold and visible to paid subscribers only.