Marketing for the quiet, introverted and overwhelmed ones
How I discovered a different way of marketing
Have you taken my free marketing quiz yet to discover three easeful strategies that fit you + your business?
Many of my clients come to me because they feel like they’re in a bind. Either they follow the lead of marketing gurus but get burnt-out and overwhelmed marketing in ways that go against their quieter, introverted natures. Or, they believe that marketing is not for them, and struggle to build the business they dream of.
I used to feel exactly the same.
I thought that as an introverted, quiet and easily overwhelmed person marketing just wasn’t for me. That maybe I’d never even build the business I secretly dreamed of because I just didn’t have the energy or brain space to “show up all the time”, make reels, go live and be “everywhere my audience was”.
Then I discovered a solution. An alternative where I can be who I am, attract amazing clients and customers and make my business a success.
And I want to share this way with you.
I believe that the way of marketing I developed has absolutely led to my business success.
I don’t think I would’ve surpassed my financial goals for the past two years without it. Or that I would’ve been able to scale down from four days a week at my part-time teaching job to two.
This is not an exclusive, top-secret, copyrighted 12-step programme for which you need to sell me your first-born (I’m happily child-free, so please keep your kids ;)).
In today’s post, I’ll give you ideas about marketing for introverted, quiet and easily overwhelmed small business owners, freelancers and creatives. I’ll share what best works for me, and encourage you to try for yourself.
And, if you’d love to have more support and accountability to make it happen, I’d be so happy for you to join the waitlist for my marketing programme Grow, which is launching soon.
Join the waitlist for Grow and receive
My free marketing e-book;
Early access once the programme launches
€100 discount
Marketing for the quiet, introverted and overwhelmed ones
Strategy #1: Scheduling, scheduling, scheduling
The number one thing I struggled with when I tried conventional marketing was having to be ‘on’ a lot.
I don’t do well with marketing platforms on which I’m rewarded for my time and attention, on which I have to spend a lot of time.
I do well with marketing platforms that allow me to be intentional, to be present when I choose to, rather than feeling pressured to be ‘on’.
(Recognise this feeling? Take my free marketing quiz and get a PDF workbook with 3 easeful strategies to try in your inbox.)
Scheduling my marketing content allows me to create content when it suits me, and to not be present (or awake ;)) when it’s posted. Scheduling also allows me to be truly present with comments when I have deliberately set aside the time and energy to do so.
Scheduling is the thing that prevents the kind of marketing overwhelm I used to feel, and I love the calm being intentional like this brings.
Being intentional is central to my marketing philosophy, and it’s something I encourage you to do too in my marketing programme Grow. If you’re craving more intention, to feel more confident and calm about your marketing, I’d love to invite you to sign up to the waitlist for Grow.
Strategy #2: Being brave enough to leave channels that don’t work (and embrace those that do)
Without exaggeration, one of the things that still feels magical about my current way of marketing is that I get to market only in ways that feel good to me.
When I changed up my marketing in 2021, I was thoroughly fed up with conventional marketing. I decided to start focusing on the things I enjoyed, on my strengths and talents—rather than trying to force myself to market another way.
I stopped forcing myself to market in a way that I couldn’t sustain.
For me, that meant focusing on writing and rebuilding my marketing around it.
I began to make my newsletter work harder: to make sign-up easier through my website, to add banners to my blog, and make the description of my newsletter (and why people should want it) clearer.
I began repurposing my newsletter posts as blogposts, which I then pinned to Pinterest (another platform that allows scheduling and doesn’t reward being ‘on’).
And I did all of this even though at the time, in late 2022, my newsletter list was less than 200 subscribers big.
But it paid off.
One of my favourite parts of Grow is when we explore your strengths and desires. What is it that you’re good at, and what do you enjoy? How can you make that work harder in your business, without adding more channels or working harder yourself? How can we build your marketing ecosystem around your strengths? How can we make marketing feel as organic as possible to you, your business and your life?
Strategy #3: Take time off from your marketing
I’ve written before about how as a newish business owner I had a very detailed marketing spreadsheet.But even though I’m someone who is generally good at sticking with plans, I was never able to stick with my spreadsheet for more than a few weeks.
Because it was relentless. Because it left me with no room at all.
Marketing for the quiet, introverted and overwhelmed ones is marketing that allows you to take time off.
It’s the kind of marketing that is long-lasting rather than ephemeral.
Many social media posts have a lifecycle of barely two days. My most popular blogpost is two years months old, and my top three pins are from 2023 and early 2024.
Of course you don’t have to use blogs and Pinterest if you’re looking for evergreen, longer-lasting marketing. The beauty of Grow is that I support you to explore which ones best fit your strengths and business needs in Grow, putting together a marketing ecosystem and strategy that is all you.
The kind of marketing I do is very simple—but also very radical. We aren’t taught that we can market our own way. That we can trust and heed our instincts, needs and desires. This is why the support and accountability, practically and emotionally, of Grow is so important.
Grow doesn’t teach you a ten-step plan that you need to follow to the letter. With my support and experience, you’ll discover what the most intentional, effective and gentle way of marketing looks like for you and your business. We’ll build a solid foundation and a gentle and effective strategy that you can build your business on.
Whether you’re just starting out in business or are experienced, Grow helps you make intentional and confident choices in your marketing.
Grow will go on sale in February—make sure you’re signed up for the waitlist to be the first to know, and receive some extra love along the way.
By joining the waitlist, you receive:
📖 my free marketing e-book
🚪 early access to the launch
💶 a €100 discount
what | Grow is a 4-month hybrid group programme, combining self-paced modules with my eyes on your business through recorded office hours, bi-weekly check-ins and monthly live (and recorded) planning calls.
who | small business owners, freelancers and creatives just like you, who want to grow a slow, gentle and profitable business through marketing that is sustainable, allows them to take time off and fits in with their life and business.
when | Grow runs from March 15th to July 15th, with lifetime access to the materials.
how | Grow launches in late February—sign up to the waitlist to get early access, a discount and perks along the way.
how much | €990, paid in full or 4 or 6 monthly instalments at no additional cost (save €100 by signing up to the waitlist).
I’d love to hear how you feel about marketing, especially if you, like me, are someone who is more quiet, introverted and easily overwhelmed. What kind of marketing feels good to you and what doesn't? What would you like to change? Leave a comment to join the conversation.
Thank you, as always, for being here ❤️ Writing these newsletters is one of my absolutely favourite things to do in my business, and I’m so pleased to think of you reading this on the other end. Feel free to respond to this email, or leave a comment—I love to hear from you. x
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