7 questions about gentle, confident and intentional marketing
And just one more week until Grow launches!
If you’d love to know more about Grow, my marketing programme, get access to the early launch (incl. a 10% discount) and some lovely resources, make sure to join the waitlist before the early launch starts this Monday, February 24th.
The monthly office hours are one of my favourite parts of Grow, my 4-month marketing programme that’s launching next week (yay!). Every month, participants can send in their questions on marketing and business, and I answer them in a recorded video.
I love how this allows me to give really tailored support, how I get to know everyone even better, and how I get to geek out about business and marketing using my own experience and work with clients over the past 5+ years.
The office hours are one of the ways in which I offer hands-on support in Grow. It’s really important to me that the programme is hybrid, so that you can choose what you do when, and still get the accountability and support that you might need.
All six modules of the programme are self-paced, so you can do them whenever you want and get back to them as often as you want (you have lifetime access).
Through the monthly recorded office hours, the monthly live and recorded planning sessions and my bi-weekly accountability emails, you can choose the amount of support that’s right for you.
Not able to make a planning session? No problem, you can always watch the recording. Stuck on a particular issue, want my eyes on a piece of marketing or wondering how to implement what you’ve learned in the modules? You can submit a question to the office hours (with or without your name). Just want to tell me how you’re doing? Hit reply to the bi-weekly accountability check-ins.
To give you a taster of the office hour, I invited you to submit your questions two weeks ago. And I loved the 7 questions I received.
These are the questions I’m answering in the video:
Is it possible to grow my business in a sustainable manner without social media?
How can I set up a sustainable and meaningful marketing strategy that feels good?
I'm right at the beginning. I have things to say and no idea where to share them.
Do you have any recommendations for turning what I love to do into a business strategy?
Do you think it's possible to start a business without a single client without social media?
How do I convince the people I work with not too rely too much on social media and consider alternative marketing strategies?
How do you promote your blog posts?
If you’d rather skip to a specific question, watching the video through Loom allows you to jump to particular parts of the video easily (and read the, unedited, transcript if you prefer).
Resources I mention in the office hours:
My blogpost on creating a marketing ecosystem and marketing wheel
Interview series (now retired)
SEO resources
📖 Grow is
Marketing without social media, if that’s what you want and need
Grow launches in a week! 🎉 I’m very excited for you to see the trailer and discover the programme. Remember, if you want early access to the launch (on the 24th) and get a 10% discount, join the waitlist.
I’d love to know what resonates with you from this post! Which so the questions felt recognisable to you? And, if you have any questions about Grow, just reply to this email or send me a message, I’m happy to help.
I’ll be back in your inbox next week with the trailer and more info about Grow. Thank you for being here for this launch and supporting my business! ❤️
Female Owned is more than a newsletter. If you are ready to do business differently, I’d love for you to become a paid subscriber and become part of our gentle community of small business owners, freelancers and creatives. You’ll get bonus resources (the accountability club! the mini-mastermind! the new mini podcast series!) and behind-the-scenes posts right in your inbox.